Vee.Finance V2 Farm User Guides

Vee Finance
4 min readOct 8, 2021


Vee.Finance supports users to pledge VEE (from wallet or vault) to the Farm pool to earn more VEE. There are 2 pools in the Farm pool, VEE-AVAX, and VEE-USDT.e. Both pools are provided by Pangolin and more DEX will be added in the future. Here are the steps.

Add VEE From Wallet

1. On the “Farm” dashboard, select the mining pool you want to provide liquidity. Click the drop box menu, take VEE- USDT.e as an example.

2. Click on the “+” under number 1. When farming, you need to ensure that you have enough VEE in your wallet, or the “+” button will not be available.

3. In the pop-up dialog box, enter the amount of VEE you want to supply or click “MAX” and then click “Add Liquidity” to add liquidity from wallet to pangolin.

Note: If this is your first staking, you need to authorize Vee.Finance interacts with your USDT.e tokens before the transaction can be finalized. Click “Enable” and confirm the authorization via MetaMask.

3. After the transaction is confirmed, click on the “+” under number 2, and in the pop-up dialog box, enter the number of VEE you want to supply or click on “MAX”, then click on “Enable” to authorize the Vee.Finance smart contract to link PGL’s account, and click on “Farm” to farm LP token to earn VEE rewards.

4. After the transaction is confirmed, you can view the pool of ongoing farms on the Farm dashboard.

Add VEE From Vault

1. Select the mining pool you want to provide liquidity. Click the drop box menu, then click on “From Vault”. take VEE- AVAX as an example.

2. In the pop-up dialog box, enter the amount of VEE you want to supply or click “MAX”, then click “Add Liquidity” to add liquidity from vault to pangolin.

3. After the transaction is confirmed, click on the “+” button under number 2, in the pop-up dialog box, enter the amount of VEE you want to supply or click on “MAX”, then click on “Farm” to farm LP token to earn VEE rewards.

4. After the transaction is confirmed, you can view the pool of ongoing farms on the Farm dashboard.

Tips: If you farm with 2 different sources of VEE when you add liquidity second time,Vee.Finance will automatically claim the first time you have farmed VEE earned into the vault.

Removing Liquidity

1. To remove liquidity of the VEE from the wallet. Click on the “-” under number 2.

2. In the pop-up dialog box, enter the number of VEE you want to reduce or click “MAX” and click “Withdraw”, your LP token will be sent to your wallet. If you need to get your VEE and USDT.e, take the next step to remove liquidity.

3. Click on “-” under number 1, in the pop-up dialog box, enter the number of VEE you want to reduce or click on “MAX”, then click on “Enable PGL” to authorize the Vee.Finance smart contract to link PGL’s account. After the transaction is confirmed, click on “Remove Liquidity”, VEE and USDT.e will return to the wallet and farm VEE earned will release to the Vault for linear release.

4. If the VEE for liquidity removal is provided from the vault, USDT.e will return to the wallet, VEE and farm VEE earned will return to the Vault and continue to be released linearly.



Vee Finance

A lending protocol platform on Avalanche that bridges the gap between traditional financial users and crypto users.